Our Current List of F1 and F2 Sponsors

Many thanks to the following individuals and organisations without whose kind and generous support our achievements and F1 and F2 Racing would not be possible;

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Cheers Frankie / Scott Leathers
Merlin Sidecars
Ken Lambert
Tony Smith
Tony Stolarski
Tan Hill Inn
Turners Fabrications Ltd
Auto 66 club
Discovery Website Design
ETS Services
RNR Coatings
Bower Family
Chris Waltersw
Sally Wilson
Lance Dobson

If anyone wishes to enquire about sponsoring our Racing Team, then we would greatly appreciate your support.

Greg Lambert Racing
Rose Lea, Meanee Road, Scotton, North Yorkshire, UK, DL9 3NB
Telephone: 07980 292819
Email: Greg_lambert_racing@yahoo.com
Email: lambert_racing@hotmail.co.uk
Web: www.greglambertracing.co.uk

Adding Sponsor Adverts pre racing
Examples of Sponsor publicity

Website Sponsored By
Website sponsered by Tan Hill Inn
Website sponsered by Discovery Design

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